Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Squash Apple and Cheddar Soup Remake and Tips

I tried out the apple squash soup and it was so so so good. I was a little concerned I wouldn't like apple mixed with squash and potatoes, and Brandon was very concerned. He kept asking, "Now what is in this soup?"-- suggesting without outright declaring it a questionable combination. However, my little concerns and Brandon's big concerns were a waste! The flavors blended so well together. I couldn't pick out individual flavors but instead got to enjoy a real melody of flavors. I actually used the word melody as I was eating it.

The biggest pain when making the soup is peeling and chopping the squash. It took so long and my tiny little wrists hurt when I was finished. As I finished chopping the last of the squash I suddenly remembered a squash cutting tip I read and used when I made the similar squash soup recipe about a year ago. If you cook the squash in boiling water for 3 - 5 minutes it will peel and cut very easily. You want to be careful and only cook it enough to help the cutting and don't end up with soggy squash. I googled this technique and saw you can also nuke it in the microwave for about a minute. If I remember correctly from last year, briefly cooking the squash was a very smart choice.

I substituted the prosciutto with regular bacon and it was a lot cheaper and very good. I like this soup better than the other squash soup because of the mix of cheese. The other one is healthier, so if you want to check it out click on the picture.

If I could change one thing it would be to add another potato and keep it chunky. When I pureed it with my amazing immersion blender, I purposefully kept it a bit chunky because I remembered thinking the other squash soup needed some texture. Even doing that, I think having 1 potato that is barely pureed would be even better.

I would probably add more squash next time as well because I had a lot left over, and I noticed the winter squash recipe calls for about 3 cups more than this recipe did.

Great soup Stephie!

1 comment:

  1. You are so fancy with your hyperlink! And three posts in one day- I am falling behind. I am cooking tomorrow so I will be sure to post :)
