Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Crafting

Pepper and I decided to celebrate mother's day by having a craft extravaganza. We brought the craft table up from the basement and laid out our possibilities.

Starting from the lower left corner and going clockwise: The B is for Pepper (spoiler alert-her name's not Pepper). She's going decorate it & take it to college (see below); Wine bottle for wine bottle art (did not get used); Little shelf/organizers we picked up at a yard sale to paint (in progress; pictures to come later); blown out eggs we never dyed from Easter (not used); wool roving (not used); old photos (not used); popsicle sticks (Pepper LOVES popsicle crafting - her house is in progress); broken slate (see below); bird house (see below); wood scrap that I was going to paint with wax paints (not used).

Here's the birdhouse, painted by me, color supervision by Pepper. I hope to post pictures of a little birdie using it.

Painted B for college! Her roommates will undoubtedly be jealous.

First, I put the broken slate pieces back together and then painted a setting sun-type deal.

Then I painted a white tree, separated the pieces back out and hot-glued them on a picture frame.  The end! (For now.)


  1. The bird house seems to be draped with a Caribbean flag of some sort. Lovely! But, the slate is stunning (Betsy's word and I agree). We LOVE this and would like one for our abode. But, it would have to backed with something light since our walls are dark. LOVE THIS!

  2. AND, you know that I love naked trees!
